Enough Excuses

Today was the second time in less than a week that I found myself going to McDonalds for dinner.

I feel like this is an unacceptable way to start a diet blog; I should be talking about how I’m officially starting my journey towards living a healthy lifestyle. I could do that, but it wouldn’t be one hundred percent true. I can’t guarantee that I’m going to be eating any better tomorrow than I am today. However, the first step to fixing a problem is admitting that one exists. I have a problem, and that problem is that I am way too good at making excuses for myself.

Currently my biggest excuse for not eating right or working out is that I don’t have time. I’m a grad student. I have a GA position. I work four days a week. It’s almost as if I’m trying to make myself feel better by saying that I simply don’t have time to cook. Hell,  I hardly even have time to go grocery shopping. No, seriously. My fridge currently consists of Greek yogurt, frozen chicken (and who really has time to thaw anything?) and a the one nectarine I have left from my trip to the farmers market. The nectarine might not even be good anymore. Another of my favorite excuses is that I’m a picky eater. When I say this what I actually mean is that I might as well be a five year old. There are a number of things I decided that I didn’t like as a child- either because they looked weird, smelled bad, or whatever reason kids use to get out of eating new things. The problem is that I am now convinced that I legitimately don’t like these things, most of which fall into the category of vegetables. This is something I tried to break myself of last summer, and, believe it or not, I’ve gotten a lot better about trying new things. Unfortunately I have to be in an adventurous mood for this to happen. Feel free to judge away; I’m judging myself just as much.

As bad as my time management skills are proving to be, I decided this past weekend that I’ve had enough of my own excuses. Yes, I am a busy person. The fact that the idea for this blog came into my head on Saturday and is just now coming to fruition (it’s Wednesday) is proof of that. My hope is that by making myself keep a daily log of what I eat, even on days that I am too busy to write a full length entry, I will be inspired to eat healthier things. I understand and accept that there will not always be days in that I will be as healthy as I hope. This blog isn’t just about success; this blog is about the struggle that many of us face each day to balance the things that are important in our lives. I am publicizing my struggle in an effort to hold myself accountable for what I am eating and whether or not I am exercising. I hope that anyone who may be reading this, be they friends, peers, strangers, what have you, will help to do the same. However, this does not mean that my lengthier posts are going to be similar to your stereotypical diet blogs about what you should eat and what exercises tone which areas of your body. If that is what you are looking for than go get on Pinterest; those types of things are everywhere. I’ve already been mentally planning posts about fad diets, women’s body issues, the reasons why many teen and college-aged girls diet, etc. If you know me I doubt you are at all surprised by this. What else would you expect from someone going into Women’s Studies?